The mission of the Kellogg Elementary School Counseling Program is to provide a data-driven comprehensive School Counseling Program that supports all students in reaching their academic, social-emotional, and college and career potential. This is accomplished through our Multi-Tiered, Multi-Domain System of Supports. The School Counselor will advocate, collaborate, and facilitate actions to promote a positive school climate that cultivates acceptance, empathy, and perseverance through school wide activities, classroom instruction, small groups, short-term individual counseling, and referrals for students in need of additional support. In collaboration with parents, administrators, teachers, additional school staff, the community, and various stakeholders, this will enable all students to become compassionate, productive, contributing citizens and lifelong learners in a diverse and ever-changing world.
- All students have a right to a safe, nurturing, and supportive learning environment.
- All students have the ability to achieve their full potential in their social emotional, academic, and college/career domains.
- All students are unique and hold a special talent to provide to the world regardless of their beliefs, ethnicity, race, gender identity, or special needs. We appreciate and embrace diversity and believe each student deserves equitable access to education and support.
- School Counselors will model empathy, respect, kindness, compassion, honesty, and integrity to ensure all students develop life-long core values.
- School Counselors will advocate for students through collaboration with the community, parents, school staff, and other valuable stakeholders to provide each student with the tools necessary to succeed in their academic and social emotional journey.
- School Counselors will develop and utilize a comprehensive school counseling program that is data-driven to meet the needs of every student.